Freedom at last!!!!

I find that at this point right now in my life there is a lot of change on the horizon. I have never been one to except change well, but for some reason this time around I do not fear it, I am willing to embrace it. It is more important to appreciate what you have in your life and hold on to those things than it is to constantly worry and mourn. I really do believe that you can't have the good without the bad, which is just the way life is. But how could we ever truly know how good something is if we never have the bad to give us a frame of reference? I am trying my hardest to be optimistic these days, to let go of my fear, and my anger and my guilt. It is hard to do sometimes but to be naive and have hope for the future has got to be a better life than being realistic and filled with doom.
And I'm really happy that your being more optimistic. It reminds me of the Dave that I met in the beginning.
As long as we learn from our past mistakes (whatever they may be) we are giving ourselves a chance to live and love again.