
For today's post I wanted to mention the awesome factor of a website called It is an artist community going about 4 million strong, where you can post drawings, paintings, crafts, photos, poetry, pretty much anything. The best part about it is the ability to network with artists all over the world. So that brings me to today's sketch, this is a character named Kiva from a show called Megas XLR. A fellow deviant on deviant art found my gallery and asked me if I could do a sketch of this character. I had never heard of the character or the show before, but I really had a great time drawing this character. Plus it went along with what I have talked about in previous posts, which is to get better at drawing woman. I think I might even add some color to this sketch in the next couple of days. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
If you would like to check out deviant art or my deviant gallery this is the link
Are you going to draw my gal one of these days?
I haven't been on in forever. I should though.